If you have any marriages to add to this database, please email me the info and I will add it.
To see the bond number, visit the following webpage:
For PA marriages:   http://www.york-county.org/cgi-bin/marriage.cgi

There are 2 lists:  the first is alphabetical by "KERN" Groom and the second is alphabetical by "KERN" Bride.
GROOM:                       BRIDE:                            DATE:             LOCATION:            APPLICATION #:
CARNS, NICHOLAS     STRAYER, JENNIE      12/4/1888        York Co., PA             2244
KERN, CLINTON         GRIM, ELSIE                 7/21/1894        York Co., PA             7213
KERN, GEORGE C.     MYERS, IDA                   4/12/1892        York Co., PA             5209
KERN, GEORGE         WOLF, KATE                   10/15/1899      York Co., PA            11797
KERN, JERRY             BAIR, ELIZABETH         7/23/1891        York Co., PA            4519
KERN, LATIMER A.   STAHLE, SADIE             7/22/1899        York Co., PA            11630

GROOM:                                      BRIDE:                           DATE:        LOCATION:    APPLICATION #:
FRY, SAMUEL                            CARNES, CAPTOLIA   3/3/1892      York Co., PA     5097
HELTEBRIDLE, ROBERT A.   CARNS, CARRIE F.     11/15/1892   York Co., PA     5703
KLINEDINST, EMANUEL        KERN, AMANDA         1/8/1899       York Co., PA     11199
SWEITZER, JOHN                     KERN, SARAH A.         3/4/1900       York Co., PA     12217

Webmaster:   Erin Bradford.
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